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November 5th (Kahoot, Nearpod, QR Codes)

During this November 5th meeting we did a lot of entertaining things. We started the meeting off with a fun online game called Kahoot!  Kahoot is great way to do a quick assessment  of your students.  A Kahoot is a collection of questions on specific topics. Created by teachers, students, business-people and social users, they are asked in real-time, to an unlimited number of “players”, creating a social, fun and game-like learning environment. If you need a refresher on this online tool please click the image below. This is a link to video clip on how to create a quiz.  

 Kahoot Video
I also introduced you to the I pad app NearPod.  Nearpod allows teachers to construct presentations using the Nearpod website and deliver instruction to students by pushing content out to multiple devices at once. The teacher controls the presentation from a master iOS device, while students follow along on a class set of iPods or iPads. Nearpod also has a library or store where you can search for lessons already created by other educators. You can also watch this short video on what all Nearpod can do.  Just click the picture below and choose the play button in the circle. 

Lastly, I we talked about QR codes and how to create them.  I lot of you asked me to send out steps for creating codes, but I feel a video might be a little better.  In this video I show you how to create QR codes for web address and for files in your drive.  I hope this helps you in creating QR codes for your classroom. Just click the QR code below.  You don't have to scan it. 

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