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Friday, July 10, 2015

Georgia Teacher STEM Academey

This past week I had the privilege to attend the Georgia Teacher STEM Academy in Young Harris, Georgia.  The 3 day event was very educational and really help me to wrap my head around what STEM is and how to incorporate it in the classroom and school. The first two day were divided into two sessions.  One was problem based learning which I was familiar with and the other was Place Based Learning.  My cohorts and I decided to attend the Place Based session.  Place Based Learning is actually taking problems that pretend to your neighborhood or area around you.  We spent two days looking at water and water sheds and mainly the EPA's definition of the Clean Water Act.  We walked away with a number of different projects that pertain to clean water.  Below is a great site with a ton of projects for every grade level.
The last day was my favorite part.  We spent the morning discussing STEM Certification in Georgia, which was very informative and helped us to understand what else our school needs to do to meet the requirements to become a STEM School.  The rest of the day we divided up into grade level groups and learned about Using Technology Effectively.  I learned about some great programs and apps to help students build technology content.  The diagram below is awesome.  It is the Padagogy Wheel, starting with the SAMR model and moving down into Blooms.  If you click on the image it takes you to the PDF with active links of each of the apps shown. 

A few of my favorites that really stood out were;

Canva- Canva gives you everything you need to easily turn ideas into stunning designs.  Create designs for Web or print: blog graphics, presentations, Facebook covers, flyers, posters, invitations and so much more.  This is an app or a online program that would be great for creating info graphics with date.  The program is very simple to use. 

Flipsnack- FlipSnackis everything you need to easily publish captivating online magazines, transforming your pdfs into online flipbook. It works and looks great across all digital platforms, engaging students with interactive experiences.

Kelly Stewart with GDOE had a great power point that she promises to have a available to us soon.  When you share with me I will share with you.  
Below is a picture of the wonderful friends who attended the academe y with me.  We can not wait to share this information with our faculty and staff. 

Friday, June 12, 2015

Discovery Education

It has been awhile since I have posted.  I am sorry.  You all know the life of a teacher and how crazy the end of  the year can be.  So know that summer is here, I thought I might take a minute and tell you about an awesome resource that is available to everyone.  I do not know how many of you are familiar with Discovery Education formally know as United Mainstreaming.  I just recently became a Discovery Education STAR Educator and was given the opportunity to attend Denapalooza Atlanta.  I learned a great deal about what else Discovery Education has to offer.

  • Digital Textbooks
  • Educational Videos
  • Images
  • Curriculum Resources
  • Professional Development
  • Assessment Resources
  • Align to State Standards
  • STEM resources

You do have to create a log in to reach a lot of the wonderful resources  I few of them are available without a log in, but if you do create a log in you can then store, save and create boards for the great things you find. One of my favorite resources is the Stem Connect.  My school is in the process of becoming a STEM school therefore we are always in search of great resources.  To access the Stem Connect follow these simple directions:
  1. Log in 
  2. click Teacher Center
  3. Click Stem Connect

As you can see from the image there is a ton of information and resources for STEM activities.
Keep watching the blog for more wonderful resources.  (Remember I have started back to school working on my Instructional Technology and Media Specialist Certification therefore, there is not a lot of down time even in the summer.)  

Sunday, March 22, 2015


Yesterday I had the opportunity to present at our local EdCamp.  This was my first experience with an edcamp and did not really know what to expect.  I really had planned to go in and just attend sessions and learn, but as the morning went on I realized that I had information to offer others.  I was really nervous about presenting to people I did not know.  I present to my faculty and staff every month but to present to people I did not know and who could "vote with their feet" I was a little nervous.  Needless to say the room was standing room only, people were sitting on the floor  and lined against the wall.  The session I presented was about "Including Technology in your lessons".  I began the session my explaining to everyone why I decided to present.  I always hear people say,"I think I am going to check the Ipads out or go to the computer lab and the let kids play a game." When I hear this I cringe.  Yes, letting kids play games for reinforcement of a skill is fine, but the main idea behind technology is to enhance a lesson. So below I will try to explain and show what I presented in my session.
Pic Collage is an Itunes app but I am sure there are other versions for android users.  This is a photo app that allows you to add a number of photos with text. I use Pic Collage a great deal with my first graders.  One project we recently did was about parts of a plant.  The students had to take pictures of parts of a plant and label them.  We also used this app for the 100th day of school.  The students took a selfie and then had to finish this sentence frame "I am 100 days smarter because. . ."  

Educreations is also and app but also a web based program.  There are lots of similar apps out there like Explain Everything. These programs allow you to record what you are doing on a white board type screen.  I have used this an number of different ways. I have had the students record themselves explaining a math problem or even skip counting.  The most recent project we did was on our field trip to the Etowha Indian Mounds. The students had to have at least 4 slides (First, next, then and last).  They were to tell me what they did first, next, then and last on our trip.  Below is an example.    

This is not only an app but a web based program also.  You select an image and then add hot spots.  When you add a hot spot you have the option of adding text, video, pictures, or a link to another website.  There are endless opportunities to use this in the classroom. My first graders used this to create their Black History month project.  

I also introduced you to the I pad app NearPod.  Nearpod allows teachers to construct presentations using the Nearpod website and deliver instruction to students by pushing content out to multiple devices at once. The teacher controls the presentation from a master iOS device, while students follow along on a class set of iPods or iPads. Nearpod also has a library or store where you can search for lessons already created by other educators. You can also watch this short video on what all Nearpod can do.  Just click the picture below and choose the play button in the circle. 

I hope these ideas have been helpful.  I am always looking for ways to include technology in my lessons, so as I learn new ideas I will share them with you.  

And guess what!!!! No one walked out! (of my session)

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

First Week of School Activity

It has been a while since I have posted.  Our last vertical team meeting was a visit from the Georgia Department of Education.  The lady from the GDOE did an over view of Power School and SLDS (Statewide Longitudinal Data System).  I learned a lot of good information that I will defiantly use to better my instruction.  I decided since it had been a while since my last post and our next vertical meeting was not until April, I would share with you some activities I have done in my classroom with technology.
I learned about a fun App, Green Screen by Do Ink this summer.  I wanted to make those boring introduction sheets we use the first week of school more interesting and fun.  I allowed the students to interview each other.  In the interview the students had to tell their name, age, grade, favorite food, favorite color and something they wanted to learn this year.   I then videoed the students in front of a piece of green cloth (that I picked up at Walmart) with the Green screen app.  You can also use green bulletin board paper.   Within the app you can also add music and images behind the speaker.
 We then added images that went along with what the students were talking about.  If the student said their favorite color was pink then we added pink behind them.  If their favorite food was pizza we also a picture of a pizza.  After we created the videos, I then created a QR code that would link to the video.  We placed the QR code along with the students picture on my bulletin board.  Then for open house parents could scan the QR code and watch their child's video.  Below is a sample of one of my students videos.The first video is the original before we added background images.  

You can use the green screen for many things beside videos. Below are a few more examples of how I have used the green screen in my classroom.  

The students did a writing piece about where they would rather be than at school. We then took their picture and placed them in that place. 
Cinderella visited our 1st graders for our fairy tale ball.  Be took each student's picture with Cinderella and then placed them in front of a castle. 

Monday, February 16, 2015

Apps and Website for the Home

Apps and Websites for the Home

 This past week I had a parent conference for a child who has an attention issue.  His parents stressed with me how hard it is to get him to do his homework and focus at home.  They said that he loves to use the computer and video games, so that got me thinking about this post.  They asked for websites or apps they could use at home.  I began thinking and by the time they left, I believe they had a least a page full of ideas.  I wanted to share some of those ideas with you so if you have parents that ask, you will have a list to pull from. You may also have some that I did not list so feel free to share.  

ScootPad:  an adaptive learning and Common Core Mastery platform for Grades K-8 (Math, Reading, Spelling, Vocabulary, Writing etc.).ScootPad delivers continuously personalized learning experience for each student enabling comprehensive practice, accelerated progress and rapid concept mastery. The students must have a log in and password and can be used on a desk top or tablet. 

Math Fight:  Test your math skills in a race against your friends! This is an ipad app but there are other version for androids. The screen is split in two thus very convenient for the duel games. This is a concentration game that stirs your brain in a positive way. This free game for kids and adults includes basic mathematical operations – addition and subtraction, multiplication and division

Cool Math Games: Cool Math Games has cool free online games to learn math, reading and spelling, geography, science, strategy, skill, arithmetic, shapes and colors, logic and memory skills

Fun Brain: is an educational browser game website for children and adults. It was on this site that Diary of a Wimpy Kid was first published before being turned into a successful book series and movie

Reading and English Language Arts

Spelling City:  Vocabulary Spelling City provides spelling, vocabulary, writing and language arts activities for K-12 cross-curricular word study. The site will automate spelling tests, give students immediate feedback, and save teachers the time it takes to administer, grade and record the tests. We aspire to provide students with engaging games to motivate study and promote academic success. We aim to continually advance our services while providing helpful and courteous support

Sight Words: This is an app that includes 6 GAMES: 

1. WORD MACHINE Control the Word Machine. Supply all the words that need to be produced by tapping on the words called. 
2. SPELLING Your dog is hungry! Make cans to feed him! To make a can, drag the letter cards to their correct place and make a word you have just heard pronounced. 
3. BINGO Make a Bingo to get a ticket for Aliens back home! Tap on the word corresponding to the one that you heard pronounced. Once you have matched cards from one side of the board to the next... Bingo! Aliens are back home! 
4. MEMORY GAME Match the sounds to correct word forms! To do so, tap on one of the speakers, hear the word, and then select one of the cards below with a correct word. Do it for all words! 
5. GEARS Tap on one of the speakers on the screen, hear the word pronounced, and place the word across the speaker. Repeat for all words to see wonderful gears animation. 
6. FLASH CARDSPractice in the Flash Card mode. List through the words and top on the cards to hear the words pronounced again and again! 

Reading rainbow: With is app children explore worlds of reading to discover storybooks and learn about such topics as animals, friends, family, science, space, music, and more. Each book comes alive as children read-along with audio storytelling by spoken word Grammy winner Burton himself, and his hand selected group of actors. Plus, over 100 exclusive video field trips take children on adventures to visit fascinating people and places. Introduce your child to the fun of reading with Reading Rainbow – download it FREE.

Starfall: Starfall is a free website that teaches children how to read and write in English. Starfall is useful for pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, and second grade. Founded in 2002, the website teaches children how to read by using games and phonics

PBS Kids:PBS Kids is the brand for children's programming aired by the Public Broadcasting Service in the United States airing as a programming block since July 11, 1994. It is directly aimed at children between the ages of 2–7 years old

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Who am I and Why am I creating this Blog

My name is Melanie Arrington. I have been married to Jeff for 10 years and we have two wonderful girls, Emma 7 years old and Ella 4 years old. I currently live in Cedartown, Georgia. I have been teaching in a classroom setting for 15 years.
I am currently a 1st grade teacher at Elm Street Elementary School in the Rome City School System. I have taught 1st, 2nd, and 4th grade. I enjoy teaching younger students because they are so ready to learn and curious. I also enjoy using technology.  I am always looking for ways to use technology in everything I do.   

I earned my B.A. in Early Childhood Education from Shorter College in Rome, Georgia. I then earned my Master’s degree in Early Childhood Education with a technology add-on at Jacksonville State University in Jacksonville, Alabama.  I went on to further my education and received my Specialist degree in Educational Leadership from Lincoln Memorial University in Harrgot, Tennessee. I am currently working on a Media Specialist and Instructional Technology certificate from the University of West Georgia in Carrollton, Georgia.  
My goal with this blog is to help other educators incorporated technology into their daily lives.  This year I have had to opportunity to help instruct a staff development on Technology Integration.  My entire faculty and staff meets once a month for an hour to learn ways to use the current technology we have available at our school.  I would like for this blog to serve as a resource to those faculty members.  They will be able to come here and review items we discussed in the meeting and also ask questions.  
ThingLink Project

This first app/program is not one that we discussed in our monthly meeting but you should be familiar with it from a training with the coaches.  I used Thinglink to introduce myself and my family. 

 This is not only an app but a web based program also.  You select an image and then add hot spots.  When you add a hot spot you have the option of adding text, video, pictures, or a link to another website.  There are endless opportunities to use this in the classroom. My first graders used this to create their Black History month project.  

Be sure to check over on the right side, under meetings to see a list by date and content for more information on topics we have discussed within our meeting.