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Tuesday, March 17, 2015

First Week of School Activity

It has been a while since I have posted.  Our last vertical team meeting was a visit from the Georgia Department of Education.  The lady from the GDOE did an over view of Power School and SLDS (Statewide Longitudinal Data System).  I learned a lot of good information that I will defiantly use to better my instruction.  I decided since it had been a while since my last post and our next vertical meeting was not until April, I would share with you some activities I have done in my classroom with technology.
I learned about a fun App, Green Screen by Do Ink this summer.  I wanted to make those boring introduction sheets we use the first week of school more interesting and fun.  I allowed the students to interview each other.  In the interview the students had to tell their name, age, grade, favorite food, favorite color and something they wanted to learn this year.   I then videoed the students in front of a piece of green cloth (that I picked up at Walmart) with the Green screen app.  You can also use green bulletin board paper.   Within the app you can also add music and images behind the speaker.
 We then added images that went along with what the students were talking about.  If the student said their favorite color was pink then we added pink behind them.  If their favorite food was pizza we also a picture of a pizza.  After we created the videos, I then created a QR code that would link to the video.  We placed the QR code along with the students picture on my bulletin board.  Then for open house parents could scan the QR code and watch their child's video.  Below is a sample of one of my students videos.The first video is the original before we added background images.  

You can use the green screen for many things beside videos. Below are a few more examples of how I have used the green screen in my classroom.  

The students did a writing piece about where they would rather be than at school. We then took their picture and placed them in that place. 
Cinderella visited our 1st graders for our fairy tale ball.  Be took each student's picture with Cinderella and then placed them in front of a castle. 

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